Sales Opportunity Assessment Checklist
In the process of a client project we did a scan of some of the various sales opportunity assessments out there…and quickly came to the conclusion that we couldn’t find one that was exactly as we wanted. So we created our own. And here it is.
- The Opportunity Assessment is designed to be used for opportunities of all sizes across all sectors. Tailor it as required
- Download the document and you should find it simple to use the Assessment
- You do not have to follow CONTAC(T) in any order, simply use it in whichever ways make sense
- The (T) section introduces the concept of the Buying Cycle and will help you decide on the appropriate strategy to follow, depending on the behaviours demonstrated by your prospect
- Jumping ahead of the prospect (premature solutionitis) is a common cause of failure
- Please accept that we’ve created some slightly awkward headings to work them into the Acronym
Contact us if you would prefer a PowerPoint version.