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Organisational transformation isn’t about changing the organisation structure, or the ‘names in the frames’. It’s not even about changing the systems and processes. Although all of these have an impact – often with unintended consequences.

Organisational Transformation is about changing behaviours – intentionally.

And that implies an understanding of why, what and how.

  • Why its being done – the Purpose
  • What is the intended outcome – a description of the desired culture
  • How it will be achieved – getting there from here

Simple and yet always Difficult.

The actual transformation process of getting from here to there can take many forms. Indeed often the most appropriate approach is one that doesn’t have overt culture change as its objective.

Probably the only constant is the need for a relentless modelling of the desired behaviours by the senior leadership team from the get-go.

And that mostly needs some external help, because it’s tough to do without support, advice, feedback and a bit of encouragement.

You should expect us to challenge your thinking and your behaviours…in positive and helpful ways. We are here to help you achieve your goals. However that takes courage, habit and being comfortable with being uncomfortable. That’s where we are there for you. and we make that uncomfortable part shorter than it would otherwise be for you. So too that extent, we make the process faster and easier than if you attempt it alone.

 Insurance Company

The new CEO of this AIM listed insurer was faced with the need to develop a new strategy for profitable growth, which needed commitment from his top 20 senior managers and directors.

The previous culture was one where all input and decision making to strategy and business planning was restricted to the Chairman and major shareholder.

The CEO recognised the need to change this and move towards a more collaborate culture. To start this off, we developed and facilitated a two day corporate strategy development workshop with the team. This new way of working led to the creation of the new business plan, commitment and engagement from all involved and a new sense of drive and purpose across the firm.

Much was achieved in a very short space of time.

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