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We are here when your current business strategy isn’t delivering the results you need, or your shareholders expect.

Whether you are faced with revitalising an existing business, to return it to growth, or establishing a new venture, we can help. It’s a partnership. You provide market knowledge and expertise.

We help by challenging your assumptions, questioning your ideas and shining a light into the blind spots you may not even be aware that you have.

More than that, we help by being sparing with advice, but unsparing with our questions, ideas and suggestions. To that extent, when it comes to business strategy development, we are very different from many consulting firms.

Our primary purpose is to ensure that you and your team end up with a strategy that you are committed to emotionally and viscerally. That way, you know you will all be motivated to make it happen. And that’s what counts.

The result – a clearer, sharper, more innovative business strategy and a more committed, engaged and confident team.

A powerful combination to deal with the vagaries of the marketplace.

Public Sector Organisation

Faced with a number of potential changes to this organisation’s role and structure, the Board needed support in developing its strategic options. New Frontiers worked collaboratively with the strategic planning unit to help them identify, analyse and rank strategic opportunities, ensured that domain experts contributed with relevant information and identified several transformational options for consideration.

The Board is now in a stronger position from which to decide its future and to debate the options with its key stakeholders.

Financial Services Company

The CEO of this quoted insurer was faced with the need to develop a new strategy for profitable growth, which needed commitment from his top 20 senior managers and directors. To achieve this, we facilitated a corporate strategy development programme involving the whole team that led to the co-creation of the new business plan, commitment and engagement from all involved and a new sense of drive and purpose across the firm.


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